Friday, July 6, 2012

Most beautiful man on earth

Most beautiful man alive on earth
Handsome and a confident look. 

Well, ladies, this man worked for Microsoft in the development of Windows! So yeah, he's not only gorgeous and intelligent, but also very rich! There's just problem, he's happily married and with kids. Yeah, beats me too.

But, don't worry! I came up with a plan for becoming this pretty man's wife
: First, you must get to work in his company, Valve, so you must have tech and programming knowledge. Then, you have to be really good at the work, so good that you'll get to have a dinner with him and his family, after that, it's easy. You have to tell his wife that you want to talk about ladies' stuff at the bathroom,
thre, you grab a knife and cut his throat. After that, the kids are easy targets.

He's waiting you

1 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

That bottom picture.. every time. Good plan though haha.

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